Decorative photo of Altin Camp


Altin camp is a paradise-like holiday resort with camping and hotel on the Turkish Aegean coast, in the Bay of Edremit, which is particularly appreciated by windsurfers. There are plenty of shadowy spots, with many trees and beautiful flowers on 35,000 m2 of park.

We offer:

- places for camping with own equipment as well as ready-for-use 4-person-tents with beds
- clean sea and a beautiful sandy beach
- seaside restaurant with delicious, healthy Turkish food and views of the sunset
- Café, bar and milk bar next to the sea with drinks and snacks
- various sports such as tennis, table tennis, beach volleyball
- clean and modern sanitary facilities
- archaeological sites within easy reach (Troy: 110km, Pergamon: 80km, Assos: 70km, Ephesus: 280km)
- Ören, a nice little village, within 10 minutes walking distance; 5km to Burhaniye, a typical Turkish town
- a family-like, unique atmosphere
- a wonderful place for children

Our rates

Rate list for 2025:
Recent rates are published at the beginning of each month.
You can also follow rate changes on our Instagram account and facebook page.
Our whatsapp contact for reservations: +90 545 255 22 70 or via email to

Altin Camp & Park Hotel | 10700 Burhaniye, Ören | TURKEY
Phone in Turkey: 0090-266 416 3737 | Whatsapp: +90 545 255 22 70
Mail: | Choose language